
Mediaportal pvr connection lost
Mediaportal pvr connection lost

mediaportal pvr connection lost

That's no problem if the previous channel had the same encoding. The IR blaster process runs separately (and more slowly) than the TVServer (or TS writer?) process - and grabs a little bit of the previous channel at the start of the stream. Some channels from my cable provider are encoded in AC3 others in AAC.

mediaportal pvr connection lost

It first appeared around page 30 in this epic thread and then repeats every few pages. And while adding all the channels will still take me some time, the initial process was very quick - helped in large part by this thread. I have a Colossus card, an IR blaster and Webgrabplus - all working and streaming my Australian cable provider around the house. I'm now using TVServer as the backend to my 3 RPi Openelec clients. I'm seriously impressed with how this has developed over the years. I'm in the process of moving from DVBLink to MediaPortal. You get the picture, then every few months things would change and the index numbers got real screw balled. I had created several extra groups, my wife's favorites, channels with poor reception, Spanish. When TV Guide was messed up they had numbers ranging from 9990-9999. See my attachment, notice the sort order has 9999 for each of my groupings. For a while, they were making changes every 3 or 4 months.

mediaportal pvr connection lost mediaportal pvr connection lost

Workbench allowed me to pull up SD output and copy the two index fields and update my channels. I found workbench solved my problems especially when my cable company would change channel names and SD had not received an update. Maybe knows a way to do this in TVserver? The other way is to uninstall and delete all database information and setup it up again. One download install and setup sql workbench 6.0, create a connection to your MediaPortal database, open database mptvdb, table channelgroup and modify the sort order. There are two ways to fix this mess of which I am aware. What I discovered was group numbers, not names, were messed up and TV Guide would not display all my information. Like you, it said I had a full schedule but would not display. David, once before I ran into a problem when I was deleting and rescanning channels.

Mediaportal pvr connection lost